Laboratory Activites
Plateforme M&Ms (Majeurs et Métaux traceS)
This Plateforme is specialized in the study of contaminants such as heavy metals, metalloïdes, Rare Earth Elements, and Platinoïdes. We analyzed those pollutants in both water and sediments from rivers, estuary, coastal and open ocean as well as in organism such as algae, mollusk, and fish.
M&Ms is also specialized in the analyses of elemental ratio (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Li/Ca, ...) in carbonate archives such as corals, speleothems, and foraminifera.

Research Activities

Paleoceanography / Paleoclimatology
I study the climate of the past to better understand present‐day climate, particularly tropical climate and ocean‐atmosphere processes such as El Niño Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. This research improves our ability to put current climate change in regards of past natural climate variations.
Aquatic Ecotoxicology
I am interested in quantifying the level of metallic pollution, principally the concentration of major and trace elements as well as mercury, in aquatic organisms along the tropic chain. The in fine goal is to better constrain the source of pollution and look for means to remediate it.

Postdoctoral Apointments
Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat :
Expérimentations et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN)
Brief Description : I'm applying innovative statistical methods on carbonates geochemistry data to look at teleconnexion between climatic modes of variability in both the Pacific and Atlantic ocean.
2016 to 2017
2014 - 2016
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE) and Université Paris Sud – GEOsciences Paris Sud (GEOPS)
Brief Description : I developed a new extraction line coupled to a CRDS-PICARRO to analyze simultaneously δ O and δD of speleothem fluid inclusions. This study aimed at validating the use of fluid inclusion in speleothem as tracer of paleo-precipitations variability.
2012 - 2014
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
Biology and Paleo Environments
Brief Description : This postdoctoral contract was a soft money position. I therefore worked on different small projects that I got funded by applying to Climate Center research grant solicitations.
1. "Assessing the utility of the coral genius Diploastrea for paleoclimatic reconstructions"
2. "Exploring geochemical ways of detecting paleo-bleaching events"
3. "A Multi-proxy approach to determine Pacific Intermediate Water variability during the late Holocene"
4. "Tracking tropical cyclonic activity using trace metals in coral skeletons"
PhD in Atmospheric Sciences (May 2012)
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences,
University at Albany, State University of New York, USA
Advisor: Dr. Braddock K. Linsley
Master’s degree in Oceanography/Paleoclimatology (June 2007)
ENVironnement, Océanographie Littorale & Hauturière, et
Paléoenvironnements Océaniques
EPOC UMR 5805 - Univ. Bordeaux 1, FRANCE
Advisor: Dr. Thierry Corrège