Laboratory Experiences
2018 - present Laboratory Manager : Plateforme "Majeurs et Métaux traceS" (M&Ms), Label Bordeaux University
2013-2014 Laboratory Manager : LDEO Stable Isotope Laboratory, at LDEO, Columbia University
2010-2012 Graduate Research Assistant : Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (SIRMS)
Laboratory, at the State University of New York at Albany
2006 (6 weeks) Summer Internship : School of GeoSciences, Edinburgh, UK, "Investigating δ O in the
shell of Tridacna derasa from New Caledonia", Supervision: Dr. Mary Elliot.
2005-2006 Master degree Internship : Plateforme « Isotopie », UMR EPOC, Bordeaux University
Sea Experiences
2013 (4 weeks) Member of the Scientific Party : RV SONNE – SO – 228 – EISPAC-WESTWIND _
SIODP Cruise, Kaohsiung (Papua New Guinea) – Townsville (Australia)
2006 (4 weeks) Student during the University at Sea : R.V. Marion Dufresnes - Marco Polo 2 scientific
cruise, Shangai (China) - Jakarta (Indonesia)