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Invited talks

      Dassié E. P.,M. Baudrimont, A. Coynel, T. Corrège, A. Feurtet-Mazel, P. Gonzalez, and R. Maury-Brachet, « Ocean variability from ecotoxicology perspectives », 2nd AFrench-Mexcican workshop « OCEANS », Paris, France (2018)

        Dassié E.P., Invited talk in the workshop "Physical Samples in the Ocean Sciences", American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting (2016)    

        Dassié E.P., "Addressing Data and Physical Sample Management Needs of Researchers Using Marine Annually-Resolved Proxy Archives", Invited presentation (on behalf of MARPA) Ocean 2k workshop, Barcelona, Spain (2015)

        Dassié E.P., "Hydrologic variability in the South West Pacific and teleconnections to the Atlantic", Invited presentor, Summer School - Globo Atlantico, Arraial do Cabo, Brazil (2015)

         Dassié E.P., "Coral-based Paleoclimatology  Reconstructions", Invited speaker, Seminar series, City University of New York (CUNY), New York, NY, USA (2014)

         Dassié E.P., "Evolution of Interannual and Decadal/Interdecadal variability of the SPCZ since the late 18th century", Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (2013)


         Dassié E.P., "Interannual and Interdecadal variability of the South Pacific Convergence Zone using a network of Fiji corals", Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville MC, QLD, Australia (2013)

         Dassié E.P., "Variabilité interannuelle à inter-décennale de la Zone de Convergence du Pacifique Sud depuis le 18ème siècle vu à travers un réseau de coraux fidjiens", EPOC, University of Bordeaux 1, Talence, France (2012)

Oral presentations

        Dassié E.P., "Hydrologic vs. Oceanic variability in the South West Tropical Pacific, insights from coral records", CLIVAR-ICTP Wotkshop on decadal climate variability and predictability: challenge and opportunities (2016)

          Dassié E.P., B.K. Linsley, T. Corrège, H.C. Wu, G. M. Lemley, and G.Cabioch, "Evolution of Interannual and Decadal/Interdecadal variability of the SPCZ since the late 18th century using a network of Fiji coral δ  O time-series", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2012)

          Dassié E.P., "Evaluating the SPCZ Interannual Changes with Both Instrumental and Coral-Derived SSS data", Graduate Climate Conference (2011)


Poster presentations

          Dassié E.P., "Coral δ   O records Porites vs. Diploastrea – sampling resolution and climatic signal", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2013)

          Dassié E.P., "Assessing the number of coral δ  O records needed to obtain statistically significant paleoclimatic reconstructions", Climate Informatics workshop (2012)

          Dassié E.P., "Evaluating the influence of Solar Radiation, Coral Extension Rate and Anthropogenic CO2 on Skeletal δ  C in a Network of Fiji Porites Corals", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2011)

          Dassié E.P. , B.K. Linsley, T. Delcroix, S.S. Howe, "Evaluating the SPCZ interannual changes with both instrumental and coral-derived SSS data", American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2010)

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